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Home Directories

All users are allocated 20GB of storage for their home directory. This space is free and not associated with lab storage quotas.

Lab Storage Allocations

Research data should be stored on lab storage allocations. These allocations are mounted at /group/[PI_GROUP_NAME]. Note that these directories are mounted as-needed, so your particular allocation might not show up when you run ls /group; you will need to access the path directly. You can find your PI group name by running groups: this will output your user name and a name ending in grp. The latter corresponds to the directory name under /group, unless otherwise requested by your PI.

Lab Storage Sharing

Franklin lab storage allocations have been made available to the Cryo-EM facility Windows computers via Samba. Users can mount these drives on the microscope control computer and the "Warp" computer using a Samba username and password provisioned on request. To mount a lab store, proceed as follows:

1. Request a Samba Username and Password

Email with the subject line Franklin Samba access: [USERNAME], where [USERNAME] is your account name on Franklin. An admin will provision your Samba account, and your password will be placed in a file within your home directory located at ~/samba-password. Note that this file will have its permissions set to be readable only by your user -- do not change them!

2. Access a Cryo-EM Facility Machine

The Samba shares are only available on the Cryo-EM facility internal network. For now, this means the "Warp" machine and the "K3" microscope machine, as well as the lab workstations (though the latter machines already have access via NFS). The remote access machine at is not on that network and hence does not have access at this time. Access one of these machines, either physically from within the microscope room or via remote desktop by remoting first to workathome and then to the target machine.

3. Map the Drive

Windows mounts Samba shares natively. First, through the File Browser, right-click "This PC" and select "Map network drive..."

File Explorer dialogue

In the network drive dialogue box, enter \\\[STORAGE_NAME], where [STORAGE_NAME] corresponds to the name of your storage directory on franklin. Usually, this is the name of your group, such as cashjngrp or jalettsgrp. Make sure to also select the Connect using different credentials checkbox.

Map drive dialogue

Hit "Finish", at which point you should be presented with a password prompt. Enter your Franklin username and the password from your ~/samba-password file.

Map drive credentials prompt

Your storage array will now be available at the mapped location (in this example, at Z:). Any files you write will be owned by your Linux user and your lab's group.

Mapped drive

If you are logged in to Windows with a shared user, make sure to disconnect when you are finished. Do this by right-clicking the mapped drive in the File Explorer and selecting "Disconnect".

Disconnect mapped drive