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Common SSH Issues

Here are some of the most common issues users face when using SSH.


The following clusters use SSH keys: Atomate, Farm, Franklin, HPC1, HPC2, Impact, Peloton.

If you connect to one of these and are asked for a password (as distinct from a passphrase for your key), your key is not being recognized. This is usually because of permissions or an unexpected filename. SSH expects your key to be one of a specific set of names. Unless you have specified something other than the default, this is probably going to be $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.

If you specified a different name when generating your key, you can specify it like this:

ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/newkey [USER]@[cluster]

If you kept the default value, your permissions should be set so that only you can read and write the key (-rw------- or 600). To ensure this is the case, you can do the following:

chown 600 $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa

On HPC2, your public key is kept in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys. Please make sure to not remove your key from this file. Doing so will cause you will lose access.

Kerberos and GSSAPI

If you are trying to use a key to access LSSC0 or any of the Genome Center login nodes, SSH keys will not work, but there is another method.

To enable logins without a password, you will need to enable GSSAPI, which some systems enable by default. If not enabled, add the following to your $HOME/.ssh/config file (create it if it doesn't exist):

GSSAPIAuthentication yes
GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes

The -K command line switch to ssh does the same thing on a one-time basis.

Once you have GSSAPI enabled, you can get a Kerberos ticket using


SSH will use that ticket while it's valid.

Common Slurm Scheduler Issues

These are the most common issues with job scheduling using Slurm.

Using a non-default account

If you have access to more than one Slurm account and wish to use an account other than your default, use the -A or --account flag.

e.g. If your default account is in foogrp and you wish to use bargrp:

srun -A bargrp -t 1:00:00 --mem=20GB

No default account

Newer slurm accounts have no default specified, and in this case you might get error message like:

sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Invalid account or account/partition combination specified

You will need to specify the account explicitly as explained above. You can find out how to view your Slurm account information in the resources section.